Thursday, December 18, 2008

Silent Night

Go ahead, take a tour! You can search individual rooms by clicking on the labels list in the sidebar on the right.

Please check out my other blogs at:
Thyme for Herbs
An Herbal Bedfellow
Tickling the Ivories


Anonymous said...

How very festive and warm your home looks. The glow from the Christmas lights inside makes the windows look so inviting from the snow outside. I can just imagine the aromas coming from your kitchen with all your delectable recipes! Merry Christmas.

Becky said...

Love your decorations Jane. I would really like to see it in person.
Have a wonderful holiday.

Unknown said...

Hi, I'm Patricia on the Thankful Thursday blob list. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I love your blog. Your photography is beautiful and your home is gorgeous. I didn't know about Dutch architecture. My son and his family lived in Pella, Iowa for two years. Pella is unique, looking much like Holland. I wish I had known more of what to look for when we visited there. They live in Des Moines now.

My two youngest took piano lessons. David did remarkably well until adolescence hit and he lost interest. I remember one time we heard Dizzy Fingers on TV, and I bought the sheet music. If I listen hard enough I can still hear him playing *grin*. He was so good, a pity he stopped playing.

Do you plan on staying in the same town?

Have a very Merry Christmas,

Jane O' said...

Mildred, the snow looks nice in this photo, but if you could see it now, you might change your mind. We got 12 inches yesterday! Pretty yes, but a lot of work with our snowblower on the fritz!

Becky, yu're welcome anytime!

Patricia, this is kind of a unique style of home. There are quite a lot of the single Dutch colonial, which have the roof only going in one direction, but this is the double Dutch colonial with the roff going both ways. We've only seen one or two others like it.

Yes, the fun of piano playing , or practicing really, disappears in the teenage years. It's very common for kids to give it up then, quite often regretting it years later. My own daughters quit at that age. For some reason, I myself was compelled to keep going. It was too much a part of my sole.

sandy said... did I miss this!! These are gorgeous photos!!
have a great new year.